Wednesday, December 12, 2007

#23 Summary

The structure and format of Learning 2.0 has produced an effective learning tool. It has challenged me to broaden my exposure to technological innovations and intriguing developments with potential applications for work and personal use.
I plan to use the National Public Radio podcast directory, LibraryThing and

I do question whether there has been sufficient recognition of the value and importance of this program system-wide at SPPL, with corresponding support of time available for all staff to explore the discovery resources and fully participate in the program.

#22 Web 2.0 awards

The 1st place winner in the travel category, Farecast, is useful in comparing international airfares. The link to compare fares on discount sites is a helpful feature. The time grid and narrow results options are also useful. I haven't yet identified any negative aspects of this site. Library application would be for customer search on travel from SPPL web links. It may already be a link which I have not yet discovered!

#21 Web-based apps

The best feature of Zoho Writer is the ability to access a document from any computer. Also, the color ranges are wonderful!

Monday, December 10, 2007

#20 Playing around with PBWiki

Sandbox is an appropriate term; it's great to play with the wiki. It still is amazing to me that there is the ability to edit a web page without high level tech training.
It was fun to not only add my blog but also add favorites to a couple of other pages.

#19 Wikis

The creativity and flexibility of creating new wiki pages and editing are intriguing. I'm interested in further exploring wikis to see the community in action and see how self-monitoring is effective.
The SJCPL Subject Guides

is a terrific resource!
One of the resources on the Library Instruction Wiki notes that the wiki is no longer being updated due to spam control problems. The
ALA 2006 New Orleans wiki illustrates the application for a specific event in order to provide comprehensive information.

Monday, December 3, 2007

#18 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Library 2.0 means "collective intelligence", participation, change, responsiveness, creativity, challenge, cooperation, and most of all: opportunity.
I appreciated the observation of Dr. Schultz that librarians are "not just inventory management biobots". Her view of Library 4.0 is exciting to consider.

#17 Tag!

No doubt, tagging and folksonomies are here to stay! This is a fascinating area to watch evolve. While "real people" access to categorizing information may achieve broader access to that information by some, the dilution of a controlled vocabulary and inclusion of "lowest-common-denominator classifications" may also produce confusing or distorted results in retrieving information.

The discovery resources are helpful and thought-provoking.